Listen to Ra?ttvikspolska

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Ra?ttvikspolska One title Only 1 transcription Has lots of stepwise movement Has some stepwise movement major A 3/4 No chords explore more...


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X: 152
P: R\"attvikspolska
R: R\"attvikspolska
O: efter Pekkos Helmer
Z: John Chambers <>
M: 3/4
L: 1/16
D: Glal\aaten
K: A
|: (e2 | a4) efed c3e | a4 a2ga b3g | a4 f2ed c3A |1,3 B4 B6 :|2,4 B2G2 A6 :|
|: c2 | d3f e3d c3A | B2AG A4 B3c | d3f e3d c3A | B4 B6 c2 | d3f e3d c3A |
B2AG A4 B3c | d3f e3d c3e | a4 a2ga b3g | a4 f2ed c3A | B2G2 A6 :|

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